Sand-Sand Band Fortnight

by 07.32 0 komentar

Table of Contents
    • Reward
    • EXP,Beri,Title
    • Tips
    • Challenge
  • Stage Overview (Expert 30)
  • Team Suggestions (Expert 30)


  • Sengoku Skillbooks!
  • Living in desert is not easy. Get constant map damage every 2nd turn. Clear fast.
  • Enemies also get true map damage 10.000.
  • Crocodile, Kohza, Vivi, Chaka will NOT get any map damage!
  • Boss is QCK and PSY, so get some INT characters.
    Also not too bad to bring a class crew
  • You can bring GP Usopp and delay some turns.
  • Usualy it was mobs first then boss, in this fortnight you might switch at your desire
    Option 1: Hit Kohza and Vivi first before you attempt the clear. They have low HP. But extremely brutal special attacks at HP< 20%

    Option 2: Hit all mobs so they won't despair/bind you. Then go over to Vivi/Kohza.
    Do not bring Vivi under 20% !

Gear 3, Orb booster, Guaranteed orbs and at least a 1.75x ATK booster.

Specials MAX required: 
All specials should be ready on boss stage

Socket Abilities Required:

You want to stall 24 turns for Zoros special being up for an all-in final turn.
Or use another Team with less cooldown if possible. You can also replace Usopp for another utilizer. Like Vergo for example. which leads us to the next team.

Vergos Striker

Specials MAX required: 
Socket Abilities Required:

So here you can either use Vergos special to beaf up Vergo only. and make sure to hit the PSY enemies or boost all strikers with Aokiji. You can't do both specials!

The Battle

Stamina: 30-Stamina  (Expert)
Stages: 7

Map damage every 2 turns:
125 damage per characters.  In total: 750 damage.
5000 damage to all enemies.

The Stages
Battle 1

The Mobs are pretty easy to beat. It is hard to stall more than 2 turns on any stage because of the map damage.

ATK: 1292

Battle 2

Hit mobs  and stall

Battle 3

Hit mobs  and stall

Battle 4


It is smart to defeat all the mobs first before they can bind all your DEX characters

Kohza TurnHPAttack
0100.000Bind and Despair both captains for 1 turn
2, 4, ...
+ATK buff after turn 2: 6920

Battle 5

Hit mobs  and stall

Battle 6

Hit mobs  and stall

Battle 7

Vivi & Kohza

0100.000Heals all enemies HP by 20.000 every turn
1, 2, 3, ...
2, 4, 6, ...
Both captains despair for 2 turns
4, 6, 8, ...

HP< 20%


3, 5, 7, ...
ATK buff to 6920
HP< 20%
Kills himself, buffs all enemies DEF for 5 turns
Rare Encounter


2, 4, ...
+ 50.000 DEF after turn 2

Team Suggestions: 

Keep in mind you need a 1.5x ATK ship !

Alabasta Slasher

Specials MAX required: 

Levels MAX: 


Socket Abilities Required:


This crew will reduce the mapdamage to 500 instead of 750
Also crocodile boosting Slasher and reduce damage by 20%.
Koza can buff ATK by 1.5x.

Replace any slasher or Usopp with the strongest slasher you have.
Also you can further decrease map damage when you take vivi with you

Free to Play: DEX

Specials MAX required: 

Levels MAX: 


Socket Abilities Required:


You will be able to tank a lot of map damage and have a solid clear.
Just care of the despair of vivi and her girlfriends!

Only STR enemies can be somewhat difficult but still weak.